Saturday, October 31, 2015

Bill DiPaolo and "Shark Tank, Palm Beach County style, coming in March"

This news originally appeared in The Lake Worth Herald, the 10/15 issue; you can read about that here. Cities like Lake Worth can particularly benefit from this innovative idea that Palm Beach County (PBC) philanthropists have come up with. Remember, although Lake Worth is recovering quite well from the Great Recession there is still a long way to go. There are 38 cities in PBC and only two of them came out of the recession in worse shape than Lake Worth. Yes, it was that bad.

So put on your thinking caps you students in Lake Worth. Look around with a critical eye and come up with an innovative idea to help your neighborhood and City. It might be a student from Barton Elementary or Lake Worth High School that gets chosen.

Here is an excerpt from DiPaolo's article in the Post:
     Building a better mousetrap is the goal on Shark Tank. Philanthropy Tank’s goal is building a better community. [emphasis added]
     “We’re not looking for a new-fangled widget. We want them to come up with an idea that will help people and will grow beyond their original vision,” said Evan Deoul, AB Bernstein’s Senior Managing Director, who co-chairs Palm Beach Philanthropy Tank with Michael L. Kohner, Managing Director of Andersen Tax.
     Applications are being accepted from public, private and home-schooled students in grades 7-12 who live in Palm Beach County. Submission deadline is Dec. 15.
Here is a link to the application form with the instructions. Good Luck!