Tuesday, October 27, 2015

From Vox: "America’s biggest gun problem is the one we never discuss"

The video by Vox (below) will be very disturbing for many. First, if you know anyone who may be contemplating suicide call 911. There is also the Mental Health Association of PBC and many other resources available. Here is an excerpt from the story by Vox on the biggest problem with guns in the U.S. that "we never discuss":
     Guns killed 33,636 people in the United States in 2013. But while homicides and mass shootings dominate the headlines, nearly two-thirds of those deaths — 21,175 — were suicides. That's the real gun problem in the US, and we barely ever talk about it.
     The idea that limiting access to guns could reduce suicides gets a lot of resistance from folks who question whether the method of suicide actually matters. Won't people who really want to kill themselves do it anyway, after all?
     The video [below] explains just how serious our gun suicide problem is, why the means of suicide really do matter, and how gun control measures can help.