Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Florida Squeeze: Patrick Murphy and the Everglades

Kartik Krishnaiyer continues his handwringing over Patrick Murphy's continued successes on the campaign for the U.S. Senate seat. From the story in The Florida Squeeze:

Saturday’s shocking news [emphasis added] that Jeff Atwater will not seek the Republican nomination for the US Senate seat being vacated by Marco Rubio sent shock-waves through Florida politics. As we discussed just a few short days ago, Atwater seemed likely to win any head-to-head race with a Democrat, was perceived as a moderate and drew from a similar geographic base as Congressman Patrick Murphy.
     Atwater’s exit makes Murphy’s prospects for election much brighter. Yesterday, we ran a piece about Murphy’s interest group voting scores from liberal groups including the League of Conservation Voters (LCV). In the interest of fairness and knowing that Murphy has championed environmental causes, I choose to dig a little deeper this morning and found the following:
     The Everglades Coalition gave Murphy their “Distinguished Public Service Award” in 2015.In receiving the award the organization stated the following:
“Since his election to the United States Congress in 2012, Patrick Murphy has quickly proved himself to be an up-and-coming champion for America’s Everglades… Congressman Murphy has worked above and beyond in his service to Floridians and indeed all Americans to reach across party lines and facilitate meaningful progress for the Everglades.”