Thursday, March 20, 2014

This just in from Roving Photographer, Larry the Lenz...

First of all, a thousand sorries go out to Larry. Can you believe that when I posted his bio last night, I misspelled his last name!? Sorry Larry, I'll get it right from now on. You get the "Z" man, you deserve it. Especially if you keep getting me material like this - STRONG my man, STRONG.

Did anyone know that there was a protest in Bryant Park today? Well, Larry did. Look at these exclusive shots:
Nice overall shot Larry, but he also got close-up shots so you could read the signs better. The one above came later as the protesters got gutsy and rushed on stage. These are from earlier in the day when they were on the lawn.

You can see that the crowd was eventually overwhelmed by the grass and took refuge on stage. Here is a dramatic zoomed-in shot Larry sacked.
This was towards the end of their action. By this time, the Channel 5 helicopter came by and captured the goings-on. Larry is close with some of the reporters there. He worked it and got these stills from the air. 

Obviously, this couldn't continue to go on, so the authorities were called and, in the end, the City Manager arrived and saved the day. There were no arrests, the protesters dispersed under their own power, but left their signs in their wake.

Thanks Larry! This will be a great relationship going forward.