Saturday, February 2, 2019

“Yes, Mother.”

Former City of Lake Worth representative Suzanne Mulvehill said this to Mayor Pam Triolo at the City Commission in July 2012 (see video below).

Mulvehill was not happy, you see.

On March 12th, 2019 will be two referendums on the ballot. The City Commission voted unanimously several times to send these questions to the voters: renaming the City of Lake Worth to become the “City of Lake Worth Beach” and the sale of public property at 501 Lake Ave. in the Downtown.

And exactly to the day six years earlier — on March 12th, 2013 — there were two referendums on the ballot:

“Question 1” was moving Lake Worth municipal elections from November back to March.

“Question 2” was the ‘heights vote’.

The ‘heights vote’ passed. More about that at a later time as we get closer to March 12th, 2019. The lengths to which some will go to confuse the electorate will truly amaze you.

Already there is mis- and disinformation about the two referendums next year. Already some are declaring “NO!” without hearing all the facts.

This is no different than what happened
six years ago in this City.

Some people new to City of Lake Worth politics think that things can get a little out of control at the City Commission now and then. But nothing at all you’ve seen in the present can in any way compare with what happened in 2012–2013.

We’ll go into more detail later about what exactly happened.

Mayor Pam Triolo has always given those who wish to speak their chance to speak. Some now are saying they weren’t given their chance to speak about the referendums in March 2019. Completely false. Some are declaring they were disenfranchised too. Completely false.

Many of the same things were said six years ago.

Watch the short video below from 2012 and pay close attention to what is said at the one minute and five second mark.

“Yes, Mother.”