Tuesday, December 25, 2018

News “Worth Noting” today: Tuesday, the 25th day of December, A.D. 2018.

To subscribe to the City of Lake Worth’s newsletter called “Worth Noting” click on this link.

You’re probably not thinking about Hurricane Season which begins on Saturday, the first day of June, A.D. 2019.

But your City of Lake Worth is.

There is little time to worry about things
like shaved ice cream.

From a news story datelined Dec. 7th. . . 

Director Brian Shields, P.E. at Lake Worth Water Utilities has received assistance from the state “to develop goals, objectives and policies” to address extreme weather events such as hurricanes.

To read more about this and more news “Worth Noting” click on this link.

And no doubt Dir. Shields will be coordinating with Dir. Ed Liberty at Lake Worth Electric Utilities.

On that and about hurricanes too, let’s take a stroll back to last year.

September 17th, 2017 at 1700: “100% of
reported outages restored!”

Enjoy the video!