Because everyone knows. . .
If it’s a Monday it’s the City of
Lake Worth’s Very Special Day in The Palm Beach Post!
But, sadly, not today. Hard to believe that L-Dub got pushed off it’s Special Day today. Our page in the Post got stolen by another Special City.
Up until today (Monday, Nov. 12th, 2018) every Monday, every single week since October 2015 on p. B3 was the Lake Worth Very Very Special Monday Cursory Print Edition (LWVVSMCPE).
And guess what today’s LWVVSMCPE is all about? It’s all about Wellington. Congratulations, Wellyworld! Now you have two Special Days this week. Everyone is so happy for you.
Do you remember Artsy Fartsy Décor & More? Business news that dominated for almost a year in Palm Beach County? Below is a look back to happier times when Artsy Fartsy and his big Adirondack chair ruled Lucerne Ave. in Downtown Lake Worth.
So you may be wondering, what makes Lake Worth and Wellington so special? Why have the editor(s) at the Post decided these two places are more important than all the other places in Central Palm Beach County? And of course, what everyone in CPBC wants to know. . .
How is OUR city, town or village ranked in the Post?
For example, the City of Lake Worth (aka, “L-Dub”) is ranked #6, the Village of Wellington at #4 and the City of Boynton Beach at #28! Twenty-eight? Why so terrible a ranking?
To learn the ranking of your municipality the answer is a little later in this blog post. But first, some recent exciting news about the L-Dub.
This one particular LWVVSMCPE was a Very
Very Special Famly One.
It was all about the Lake Ave. Block Party in Downtown Lake Worth on October 5th, a wonderful Friday evening and the first-ever family event that will take place the first Friday of every month. There were several photos in the paper but one in particular stood out. It was a huge photo of a woman from West Palm Beach at the Block Party hungrily excited and staring wide-eyed at a donut hanging up in the air from a string.
The trick is to try and eat the donut without using one’s hands. Incredibly exciting especially for a famalie with little kids looking on. Also in that LWVVSMCPE is an image of a famlie looking at a classic Corvette, a cartoonist showing off his handiwork, and an old classic carnival car from the 1950s.
Watching all this fun at the Lake Ave. Block Party got a lot of famalies and Snowbirds thinking about this Season’s Beach Bonfires at the Lake Worth Beach and Casino Complex:
Remember! The City of Lake Worth’s 2019 Street Painting Festival is just around the corner.
Truly a famalie event!
Remember! The City of Lake Worth’s 2019 Street Painting Festival is just around the corner.
Truly a famalie event!
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Moving on to Artsy Fartsy and how is your municipality ranked in the Post?
Is the City of Lake Worth still ranked at #6 in The Palm Beach Post’s “Ranking of Palm Beach County’s cities from worst to best”?
Now that Gatehouse Media has taken over at the Post should they do another ranking of municipalities in this County? Or maybe have all the municipalities do a ranking of The Palm Beach Post?
Now to the business story about Artsy Fartsy that dominated the news in CPBC.
Still, every now and then someone will visit Downtown Lake Worth looking for some ‘kicks’ and receive the bad news: Artsy Fartsy closed up shop in L-Dub. Despite being a feature story in The Palm Beach Post’s LWVVSMCPE for over a year and despite being a feature news item many times since in the Post, Artsy Fartsy went out of business on March 2nd, 2018.
Newspaper clipping below, Artsy Fartsy in the
print edition, January 30th, 2017:
And the beat reporter wrote in Jan. 2017:
“OK, work with me here. Imagine, if you will, the city hosted awards called the L-Dubs. . .”
“OK, work with me here. Imagine, if you will, the city hosted awards called the L-Dubs. . .”
Click on image to enlarge:
The last ranking of cities, towns and villages in Palm Beach County was back in 2016 when there were thirty-eight (38) municipalities. In 2017 that number rose to thirty-nine when Westlake was incorporated.
Here are the Six Special Cities in the print edition of the Post, the same Six Special Cities since 2015 featured every week, Monday–Saturday: