Wednesday, March 14, 2018

UPDATE: No letters got published so far. But don’t be discouraged!

Stay positive! Some time soon contact the editor by phone, email, fax or snail mail. All that information is below.

Contact the editor and politely ask, “Are you planning to publish my letter any time soon?”

Three days later there have still not been any letters published in The Palm Beach Post from Lake Worth in response to a silly malcontent from Greenacres who got his letter published on the editorial page in the paper last Sunday.

Here’s an excerpt from that nonsense about the City of Lake Worth:
[I]t’s like one huge cheap biker bar. [emphasis added] Other than Paradiso, I drive right through on the way to the bridge. And the city parking lot adjacent to the restaurant looks like a block in Syria.

So. If you wrote a positive letter about the City of Lake Worth stay upbeat and keep trying! It may get published in the upcoming Sunday edition. For more about, “We’re fine, now quit complaining” and the ways to contact the editor at the Post please click on this link.

By the way, Dear resident of Greenacres: You can’t drive past the elegant Paradiso Ristorante “on the way to the [Robert Harris] bridge.”

You take Lake Ave. — a one-way avenue — when you drive to the bridge. Paradiso’s is on Lucerne Ave., not Lake Ave. Try contacting one of these people some time and maybe they’ll take you for a short stroll around the Downtown, show you where Paradiso’s is located, and then show you this City is not ‘like one huge cheap biker bar.’

Now get cracking on those letters!

Maybe write something positive and uplifting about the mayor of Lake Worth!

Meet Lake Worth Mayor Pam Triolo, City Manager Michael Bornstein (center), and Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell:
And by the way, Dear resident of Greenacres, have you heard the latest about PBSO District 16.