Friday, June 16, 2017

City Commission meeting next Tuesday: “Changing the time limit for public comment”.*

Resolution No. 26-2017 — amending the Rules and Procedures for Commission Meetings for Non-Agendaed Items


The resolution would amend Rule 6, Debate of Motions; Voting, changing the time limit for public comment from two minutes to three minutes during Public Participation of Non-Agendaed items.

Background and Justification:

The City Commission adopted Resolution 56-2013 to amend Rule 6 of the Rules and Procedures to allow the public to speak on consent agenda items (which are not removed by the Commission for discussion) during Public Participation of Non-Agendaed items for two minutes per speaker.
     The City Commission desires to afford the public three minutes to speak during Public Participation of Non-Agendaed Items.
     The proposed resolution would make this change from two minutes to three minutes for Public Participation of Non-Agendaed Items.


I move to approve/not approve Resolution No. 26-2017:

Whereas, the City Commission has adopted rules and procedures for its meetings which include procedures govern public participation; and,
Whereas, based on Chapter 2013-227, Laws of Florida, the City passed Resolution No. 56-2013 to update its rules and procedures for public participation at City Commission meetings; and,
Whereas, the City desires to update its rules and procedures for public participation by amending the language added by Resolution No. 56-2013 to allow three (3) minutes for public participation on non-agendaed items; and,
Whereas, the City Commission’s adoption of rules and procedures for its meetings is necessary to comply with applicable law and preserve the professional-nature, orderly conduct and proper decorum of all such meetings and serves a valid public purpose.
Be It Resolved. . .

*For instructions on how to give Public Comment at the City Commission use this link, which includes an instructional video as well.