Monday, December 19, 2016

A Letter to the Editor* that didn’t make the cut in the print edition, “Don’t let satanic mark spoil holidays”.

[The blog post originally posted on Dec. 6th follows:]

There were 3 letters in the Post online edition on December 5th but the one below by Patty Delaney of Boca Raton didn’t make it into the print edition; two excerpts:

     In mid-December, an individual representing the group Freedom From Religion will display a sign of the satanic symbol, the pentagram, in Sanborn Square Park in downtown Boca Raton. This satanic blood-red symbol and an anti-religious faith message will be positioned in the area next to the Jewish menorah and the Christian Christmas Nativity scene.

[and. . .] 

     A recommended action is that believers reverence and spend time in reflection at the site of the menorah and the Christmas Nativity scene and in their own houses of worship.

May God bless all of us,



Editor’s note: Patty Delaney is the communications ministry director to Monsignor Michael D. McGraw at St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church and School.

*Ever wanted to write a Letter to the Editor? Is there a way to increase your chances of getting published? Yes! You need to follow up. Learn the trick using this link