Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Post should apologize: A complete lack of class on the anniversary of attack on September 11th, 2001

Don't want to draw any more attention to this than what it deserves; will not provide a link. Who cares if one of the 9/11 hijackers bought something or stayed somewhere in town FIFTEEN YEARS AGO? What public purpose does that serve?

Here is a comment that was left following the article (in the online edition) by someone that was just as disturbed as many are today:
Though not intended this article with all their pictures [of terrorists on 9/11] honors their existence. This is what ISIS depends on to sell itself to the world. Its like so many others where murderers get more coverage than victims. Best left dead and buried.
Well put.

Here's another comment by someone who was inspired that the Post decided to stir the pot on September 11th:
Fantastic article. And "they" live among us now!
I feel so sorry for everyone of the Muslim faith today in Palm Beach County.

Last June at Lake Worth's Quaker Meetinghouse was a meeting about True Islam that Prophet Muhammad taught and how that message has been distorted by extremists. Below is a Tweet I used to help promote that event on this blog:
Also in June the Lake Worth City Commission unanimously approved a proclamation to support our Muslim neighbors in Lake Worth. However, some malcontents didn't think that was such a good idea:
'Thought' provoking? And "after much study. . ." We're better than this, right?
"Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country"? It seems the Post would agree with that sentiment. They certainly have no qualms stirring the pot on the anniversary of 9/11.