Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Sister City Board: "In Case of Emergency Break Glass"

Is it time to break the glass? Yes. The City Commission needs to step in and take care of this situation. Somehow.

For 4 months in a row the Sister City Board has been unable to reach a quorum to do their business. For more on this look in the right-hand column for "Unbelievable. Sister City Board. No quorum last night." or use this link. The status of the board meeting on Monday, August 8th:
  • Seven member board
  • Two vacancies on the board
  • Need 4 members to attend for a quorum
  • Three members showed up
Commissioner Ryan Maier is the City's liaison to the board. Leadership is lacking. Or possibly the irony is too much to bear having Maier as the liaison in the first place:
The next City Commission meeting is on August 16th and this needs to be on the agenda and addressed. Tourism is very important for this City and the business community would certainly benefit from the Sister City Board doing its work.

With season just a few months away there isn't any time to waste.