Sunday, May 15, 2016

[UPDATE] Classical music in City's Cultural Plaza and why do so many in the media focus so much on just the homeless?

UPDATE: If you get the Post Sunday print edition, there's a wonderfully satirical letter to the editor by Lake Worth resident Helene Jarvis (it's not yet online as of 7:00 a.m.). It concerns Frank Cerabino's silliness, which is nothing new; this time it's about the homeless, again (see below). Jarvis isn't a fan of Cerabino's political satire and neither are a lot of other people.

But. . . what is truly satirical is a satirist writing for a newspaper that continues to lay off copy editors/staff and can't even print its own newspapers (the Sun Sentinel does that for them). Check back later for excerpts from Jarvis' letter and trust me, she writes some truly clever satire. Anyhow. . .

If you want to learn more about classical music in the Cultural Plaza you can ignore Cerabino's spin and get the whole scoop in The Lake Worth Herald. If you don't get the Herald you can subscribe using this link or go to the City's downtown news stand across the street from the County's Cultural Council to pick up the print edition. Walk in and a nice man named Andy will be happy to help you. He's the one wearing the baseball cap.

Below are two excerpts from the article dealing with the classical music being played in the City's Cultural Plaza that appear in this week's print edition:

     "The City of Lake Worth has taken the lead of other cities and began piping classical music into the downtown Cultural Plaza. Monday morning, 
     Commissioner Andy Amoroso received a complaint from the owner of an apartment in The Lucerne, a condominium complex located downtown, just a block from the Cultural Plaza. Amoroso said he made a call and the volume was turned down a little and the complainant was satisfied.
     Amoroso said that was Music to Make Plaza 'Cultural' the only complaint he had received among nearly fifty comments from people who appreciate the music. 'Brilliant!, Great, I love it!, It's really nice, are just some of the reactions I have received from passersby.' Amoroso said." [emphasis added]

[and. . .]

     "There have been accusations the City is playing the music to make it uncomfortable for homeless to sleep in the park or nearby. City Ordinance makes it illegal to be in the park between midnight and 8 a.m.
     In the absence of City Manager Mike Bornstein, Utilities Director Jack Borsch fielded questions about the music. Borsch stated the music was an attempt to make the Cultural Plaza feel more like a Cultural Center and it is a way for the City to draw people to the area and bring the arts community together."

Pretty much sums it up doesn't it?