Just in case you happened to read that Sunday Cerabino column and thought, "Hey, I'm going to Lake Worth to chase my dream of my own chicken farm!", and for everyone else who doesn't think it's the least bit humorous the Post has a 'satirist' after how many reporters, copy editors, and all those dreaming of a career at a newspaper have been given pink slips?:
Really now, who cares how Cerabino ranks the cities of Palm Beach County? True, there are some people who might be interested, so here is the link. The only reason this is being pointed out is that Cerabino gets it completely wrong about the 'urban chicken' situation here in Lake Worth.
This really needs to be corrected but asking for that is pointless. The City is still waiting for a correction about that "curfew" nonsense The Palm Beach Post published. Here is what Cerabino falsely reports about "chicken farming" in Lake Worth:
"It’s the place where backyard
chicken farming is proposed, local anarchists plot strategies, and
snowbirds from Finland mix with refugees from Guatemala."
Chicken farming "is proposed"? Nonsense. Backyard chickens are illegal in Lake Worth. But more on that later.
By the way, the "local Anarchists" plotting "strategies" didn't work out too well. The Anarchist Ryan Hartman lost in a landslide to Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell (see image below). Our wonderful Finnish and Guatemalan friends do get along quite well in this charming City. But Cerabino gets the 'urban chicken' issue absolutely, 100% wrong with much thanks to that paper of record, The Palm Beach Post (Oh, and did you know the Post is published by the Sun Sentinel in Broward County? It's true. The papers are shipped north using really big trucks that damage the environment).
Anyhow, continue reading the truth from an earlier blog post if you're someone considering raising chickens or opening up a chicken farm here in the City of Lake Worth:
If you thought raising chickens within the city limits of Lake Worth was legal you are wrong. That activity is illegal and if it is a problem in your neighborhood you need to contact the city.
The 'Urban Chicken' is a really bad idea if you just take into consideration the health issues and nothing else. The future health of your children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems, to name a few, has been well documented. But for some reason this issue continues to raise its beak now and then with references to the cost of eggs at Publix (which have been coming down of late).
If you recall, then-candidate and now-Commissioner Ryan Maier was founder of the Lake Worth Chickens Facebook page. Thus far Maier has not given any public support for urban chickens but he clearly aligns himself with the 'fowl' side on this issue—note that he hasn't taken a stance against raising chickens in an urban environment either. And with the current majority on the City Commission we're very unlikely to hear Maier ruffle any feathers any time soon.
Besides health there are many problems with raising chickens within city limits (as opposed to suburban farming communities) that far outweigh the few pennies saved by a homeowner such as insufficiently trained "farmers", neighborhood nuisance and noise complaints, attracting predators (humans included), the additional burden on city staff, etc.
But do you remember a previous city commissioner (Cara Jennings) and her big issue of the day?
"Chicken Tacos or Omelets will be served depending on the outcome of the match" --Tom McGow
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Newly re-elected Vice Mayor Maxwell fought valiantly against the Urban Chicken and continues, to this day, to be vigilant. |
The image above is from the talented and gifted Tom McGow. Mr. McGow published this on his blog in July, 2011. For the most part the public has had little tolerance for this nonsense but the issue is far from a cooked one. Stay vigilant!
Another classic from the inimitable Tom McGow. |