Tuesday, May 24, 2016

From a blog reader: Notice anything a bit out of place in the image below?

Take a few moments and look at this image from the Town of Jupiter Island website and see if you can spot something a bit odd, a little out of date if you will:
From Wikipedia: Some of the wealthiest people in the United States live in Jupiter Island: Worth magazine ranked it #1 in the country for having the highest median home sale, and it has the highest per capita income of any inhabited place in the country.
So what's a bit odd? I'll have the answer below.

Since we're on the subject of city websites, you need to check out Delray Beach's new and improved site. In a word, it's amazing. Here is the link. Our City's website still gets complaints of being 'clunky' and that finding specific items can be difficult, but it's leaps and bounds over what we used to deal with. I'm fine with it for a while but some time this year it will need an overhaul.

Now back to Jupiter Island, the answer: In the left column are the most important links for their residents to take note of and one of them is "Facts about Ebola". Ooooops. To their credit the town also has a lot of information about the Zika virus also.