Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Lake Worth politics, the District One race, and an Anarchists transformation to Hipster: Which political style and fashion is authentic?

[THIS IS A REPOST BY REQUEST: A candidate who is challenging Lake Worth Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell in the upcoming election on March 15th has undergone a remarkable transformation that's caused a lot of confusion and is a subject of debate. The style, from what can be gleaned so far from the experts, is he's chosen Boca Fierce Chic combined with Wellington PopSugar. Stay tuned as they say!]

The big question of the day up and down the avenues in Lake Worth, at City Hall, Publix, and of course, World Thrift is which fashion style will prevail in the upcoming March elections: Hipster cred or Anarchist cred? Style sends a huge message and how to get your followers to conform to that message is very important. For those of you fashion-challenged here are two examples of Anarchist cred:
Classic highbrow Anarchist cred. With any fashion ones posture is crucially important. One way to achieve this is to imagine the last few seconds prior to a tree-sit/protest. (Note the instructions on the bottom right in the image: When to empty the poop bucket.)
Classic example of lowbrow Anarchist cred (man on right). Again, posture is crucial in this fashion example by the Anarchist Ryan Hartman. There are many ways to achieve this: one is to act very intense and imagine you're going to hurl a battery at any second. 
Here is Hartman soon after his transformation to Hipster. The blow-dried hair complements the stylish wrinkled shirt.
Here is Hartman in full GQ style at a candidate forum sans the earring (note the large hole in his ear). The tie has a perfect half Windsor knot and the shirt has crisp starch lines. A big difference from Anarchist styling and fashion as Hartman displays above.
 Learn more about Hipsters and a short video below on Hipster cred:

How this issue is going to play out is anyone's guess: On one side of the spectrum are the Hipsters (about 4–6%) and on the other side are the Anarchists (estimates range from 0.25–0.75%). The battle of ideas will be for the middle in Lake Worth fashion, those 95% or so who haven't chosen yet.

Will all the Anarchists modify their fashion statement and take on a more Hipster appearance to look more like Hartman? How willing are Anarchists to sacrifice a belief system for votes? Much can happen to a person when they go from being an outsider in a bid to become an insider. It's an amazing process to watch unfold.

And other questions:
  • What role will barbers and hairstylists play?
  • Razors and shaving cream?
  • Cologne and deodorant? 
  • Long sleeves or short sleeves for those ill-advised tats?
  • Headwear: the classic Anarchist baseball cap or bandana?
Fashion and political messages are nothing new to Lake Worth politics. Here is a recent example:
Then-citizen Ryan Maier prior to launching his campaign for a Lake Worth City Commission seat.
A short time later, then-candidate (now Commissioner) Ryan Maier was rolled out to the community sporting an entirely new fashion statement. Note the highlights have disappeared.