Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Opportunity tonight at the City Commission meeting for candidate to provide proof of "secret meetings"

[Update: The Lake Worth Planning and Zoning Board has no cases to hear and will not be meeting on Wednesday. However, tonight's (3/1) City Commission meeting will happen. Will a certain candidate show up?]

Frank McAlonan is accusing the all-volunteer Lake Worth Planning and Zoning Board and City staff of conducting "secret meetings". You can read about that false claim here and here also.

McAlonan is doubling down on this lie and handing out letters in the community and one of those letters ended up at the wrong door. He is suggesting the City of Lake Worth has a bad "reputation" at the Palm Beach County Inspector General (not true at all) and another claim of "backroom meetings". McAlonan is hinting at "corruption" and abusing his right to Free Speech to the fullest. Undoubtedly, he'll be rewarded by The Palm Beach Post editorial board. Really now, does anyone really think the Post will endorse Commissioner Andy Amoroso?

Anyhow, tomorrow (3/1) is a meeting where McAlonan can present his evidence of "secret meetings" for everyone in Lake Worth to see for themselves. At the Lake Worth City Commission meeting will be a presentation by the Planning and Zoning Chair, Mr. Greg Rice; below is an excerpt from the agenda at tomorrow's meeting:

TITLE: Planning and Zoning Board update
SUMMARY: Greg Rice, Chair, will update the Commission on activities that have taken place over the past several months.
BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION: The Board members review and approve site plans for three-units or more of residential development and all commercial development. The members also review community appearance and have the ability to grant variances from the Lake Worth Zoning Code. The members also serve as the Board of Sign Appeals and Nuisance Abatement Board. The members serve three-year terms.

Below is an image from Mr. Rice's presentation:
No "secret meetings" here.