Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Now, what about those electric rates in Lake Worth?

Electric rates in Lake Worth are below the municipal average in the State of Florida.

That's right. Along with the plummeting crime rate things are actually going very well here in Lake Worth. What realtors, for instance, hear all the time is that the crime rate and electric rates are very high in the City. It's a myth. You can see it for yourself here.
Electric rates have been coming down in the City for several years now as the City weans itself off the cash cow: the electric utility. Good news, right? Not if your Commissioners McVoy or Maier. They want at that cash cow again in a big way:
The pitch by Maier and McVoy to raise electric rates failed thanks to Mayor Triolo, Vice Mayor Maxwell, and Commissioner Amoroso. But that doesn't mean Maier and McVoy are done trying to raise your rates.
But there are ways to protect yourself and your family and finances from a cash grab by commissioners Ryan Maier and Chris McVoy: convert many of your appliances to clean, cheap, and plentiful natural gas and soften the blow of any possible future spike in electric rates.