Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Miami Herald: "An infamous Internet hate monger has an unlikely South Florida address"

Fred Grimm of the Miami Herald has this article about an internet hate site run out of a home in suburban West Palm Beach:
     Of all the places that might generate a racist, anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, paranoia-oozing, self-described “white nationalist” website ... well ... you don’t quite expect a South Florida address.
     But there it is, run out of a suburban house in West Palm Beach,, the best known of America’s racist hate sites scattered around the Internet. In a county that’s 20 percent Jewish, 18 percent black, 20 percent Hispanic and a bastion of liberal politics.
     Location hardly matters in the digital age, when radical ideas and pseudo-movements and hateful sentiments float through cyberspace untethered to geographical locations. So someone like Don Black, the onetime head of the Alabama-based Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, can move to [suburban] West Palm Beach and set up a website that most of his neighbors would find abhorrent. And still get 40,000 hits a day. [emphasis added]
Don't have any plans to visit that website and wouldn't recommend anyone doing so. In the Herald article you also discover that this racist blogger has something in common with Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist church. No big surprise there.