Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Great Britain: A perma-culture, residential project in the middle of an urban area

Saffron Acres is a lottery funded project based at the allotments in Copinger Road, just around the corner from the Saffron Resource Centre, and has been running since May 2006. This once neglected four acre site has been transformed into a thriving allotment and community garden, with the help of work placement trainees, volunteers, and school pupils. From the article:
     Neil Hodgkin, Head of Development at Saffron Lane Neighbourhood Council, said that "the original plan had been for the 68 homes to be built around the farm so that they would look onto it in a village green type construction, but this was not approved by the planners".
     He added that since the houses are to be rented, the residents will have to sign a contract with the housing association, but "it will not be a feature of the contract that they have to do work on the farm, nevertheless they will receive encouragement and training". It is very unusual to see a development which includes all of these features, and they are in line with the principles of 'one planet living' as espoused by the One Planet Council which notes that there are many benefits to this approach.  

From more information contact Youth and Development Worker Neil Hodgkin at neil.hodgkin@srcentre.org.uk