Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Commissioner Comments from last night's (6/16) Lake Worth Commission Meeting

Last night's elephant in the room that no one chose to talk about until public comment was the hullabaloo over Commissioner Maier's issues with code enforcement. You can hear that awkwardness play out at the beginning of this video. It's cringe-worthy.

The Mayor usually starts this section of the meeting at one end of the dais or the other. This time she started to her left with Commissioner Maier who was left re-directing the first comments to Commissioner Maxwell. He had the idea that Commissioner Maxwell was going to raise the issue based on what happened at the last meeting and he didn't want to lose his chance to respond to it. You could tell Commissioner Maier had prepared some sort of elaborate response which we failed to hear. That will probably be at the Special Magistrate meeting. The next one is scheduled for June 25, 2015 at 9 a.m.

And there were many people, dressed in Maier campaign shirts, and others that weren't, ready to rush to his defense. As you will see and hear in the next video during the Public Comment section of the meeting, the topic came up through some of the comments. The issue remained mostly in the background, with a few exceptions.

Here is a picture of some of the crowd with the Maier-wear.