Thursday, April 9, 2015

Media Alert: Name change—The Briger Tract is now called the "Alton Tract"

Never did get the memo on this one. A lot of websites and printed materials are going to have to be updated now. For instance, EarthFirst!'s website will need to reflect the name change and so will all government documents in Palm Beach Gardens.

This information comes from an article in The Palm Beach Post by Tony Doris. Here is the pertinent excerpt from the article titled, "Palm Beach Gardens planners want rec complex on biotech site reworked":
     The Alton tract, a wooded expanse formerly known as the Briger tract, straddles Interstate 95 south of Donald Ross Road. It is just across Donald Ross from the Scripps campus and was set aside as part of a vast “biotech city” envisioned by Gov. Jeb Bush and county leaders in the early 2000s. While much of Alton has been parceled for housing, retail and a town center, Parcel B was restricted by covenants allowing only biotech-related uses — for Scripps spinoff companies or other firms that serve them.
The reason for the name change is not specified. If more information becomes available will certainly pass it along.