Saturday, November 8, 2014

Vegans for the homeless, trying to change their animal eating ways

PETA, along with its Christian outreach division -- Jesus People for Animals -- sent Love Thy Neighbor [90-year-old Ft. Lauderdale homeless advocate Arnold Abbott] a shipment that include spice, peanut butter, textured vegetable protein -- which is basically vegan "ground beef" -- vegetarian chili, soy milk, Primal Strips vegan jerky, and vegan cookies.
"Christian compassion should be extended to everyone, from Fort Lauderdale's homeless community to the chickens, cows, and pigs killed by the billions for food every year," Sarah King, PETA's director of Christian outreach, said via a news release. "PETA is pleased to donate a supply of healthy and delicious vegan food in support of Arnold Abbott's inspiring effort to practice kindness to his neighbors."
PETA's aim with the shipment of food is to not only help the homeless but also spare "animals immense suffering on farms, in slaughterhouses, and on the decks of fishing boats."
Not sure what to file this item under.