Saturday, September 13, 2014

Palm Beach County: Roads neglected in city budgets. - Sun Sentinel

Click title for link to an article that reviews the plight of many Palm Beach County municipalities when it comes to keeping up with repairs to their road infrastructure. It appears that they're not. It is a consistent problem up and down the coast, and Lake Worth is mentioned for its attempt to address the issue through the failed bond attempt. From the article:
No city knows that better than Lake Worth. After years of neglect, poor construction and spotty maintenance, the city is facing an infrastructure crisis.
The potholes forming on city streets have become so prevalent that the city has created a pothole hotline for residents to report them. Also, sidewalks all over the city are broken. With little money for resurfacing — about $200,000 a year — city crews resort to patching, creating checker board patterns on city roads.
The city tried to tackle the problem by including $37.8 million worth of road construction, resurfacing and sidewalk projects as part of a $62.3 million bond focused on repairing critical infrastructure. But when it went before voters in August for approval, they rejected it.
And yet, Mayor Pam Triolo said she gets complaints every day from residents asking her to do something about the city's roads.
"This didn't happen overnight. It happened over 50 years," she said. "Unfortunately, road issues and infrastructure is not a sexy subject. Past city councils did not invest money in it ... We forgot about the basics."