A new EarthFirst Journal is off to the printers! It is been too long since the last one and the pent-up demand reached outrageous proportions. They are working on a Spring edition too and want your submissions. Themes are to include new growth and things representing the fertility of the season. Here's what they say. Click title for link.
Now we’re collecting content for the next issue of 2014—that’s right, we’re printing more than one issue this year!They are also looking for articles on "movement strategies." I suggest in-depth articles on the relative effectiveness, of Metamucil, Senokot and Milk of Magnesia, for starters. Perhaps such insights would help produce their next issue faster and with less strain.
So send us what you’ve got. This is the Spring issue, a time of renewal and organization. What’s inspiring you lately? Reflections on a Winter of action-packed organizing, or of solitary reflection? Blades of grass peaking out through the snow? (Is that a thing? We’ve been in South Florida a while; enlighten us!)