Sunday, September 29, 2013

Flood-control water dumping hurting Lake Worth Lagoon - Sun Sentinel

Worth another read from back on September 2, 2013 is this Sun-Sentinel article. Click title for link. All of the investment that the county has put into the Snook Islands project is in great jeopardy. Earlier this year, there was great celebration about the appearance of Oystercatchers. That may have been premature. It seems that our plumbing system in south Florida leaves something to be desired as outlined in the article. Most of the damage being done in Lake Worth's part of the Lake Worth Lagoon is due to freshwater discharge from the C-51 canal.

The good news is that it seems that the proximity to the Palm Beach Inlet and the distance from the freshwater flows is not affecting the downtown West Palm Beach waterfront as much. We took these pictures on our bike ride today. We were on the new southern jetty north of the middle bridge.

And there are buildings over four stories in height that don't seem to hurt the mangrove and sea-grass beds.