Tuesday, July 9, 2013

New Report: WPB Planning Revenues On Pace for 16 Year High | City of West Palm Beach

Our neighbor to the north has this press release posted on its website. A quote from the release below. Click title for link. I got word of this through their Facebook page.
“The numbers clearly are showing that West Palm Beach is topping the list of cities where developers are returning in large numbers,” said Development Services Director Rick Greene. “Based on discussions we’re having with builders, we are anticipating that several of the projects that had been approved in the past will now be coming in for construction permits.”
The new numbers are not due to any single project (such as the new outlet mall). They represent an across-the-board increase in activity. They also are a good predictor for future property tax revenue growth. Once projects are completed, they contribute to the overall property tax revenues for the city, which help fund essential services provided to residents.
To be fair, I have heard that revenue is up in Lake Worth as it relates to building permit fees and the like. Will we ever see that trumpeted from City Hall in a press release? Probably not. Everyone is too busy here.