Wednesday, July 10, 2013

E-mail from Mary Lindsey

Dear Wes, 
One of your readers left the following comment on your blog:
Anonymous said...
Been sitting on this idea for a while. Outside LW Utility service area get five, ten, hell twenty sample families/businesses that use FPL and just post their bill, the actual bill on your blog. For example: one-story single family dwelling with family of four using an efficient ac unit. Post a similar bill from Lake Worth Utilities. No text. Just the bills.    Tue Jul 09, 08:37:00 PM EDT
Attached are three LWU bills showing usage of 1000 kWhrs. 
The first is for a LWU residential customer inside the City of Lake Worth (LWURI). 
The second is a LWU residential customer outside the City Limits in the unincorporated service area (LWURO).
The third is a LWU residential customer in Palm Springs (LWUPSR).

Your reader asked for bills only and no text, but I do have to add that these sample bills were calculated and provided by LWU last year (see dates at the top of the bills) at the request of the Juice Board and include the Conservation Surcharge which has since been eliminated.

Hope this is helpful and I remain,

At your service,

(Editor's note: Thanks Mary. Order of bills slightly different below due to how Blogger loaded them up, but they are labeled correctly)
Palm Springs Resident Bill

Lake Worth Resident Inside City Bill 
Unincorporated Resident Bill