Why do people want to change something wonderful? They say building higher buildings downtown will increase the tax base. We already know that the city will not get any additional tax revenues as it goes to the CRA and the city will be stuck with additional expenses. If we start building higher, developers will make money. Realtors will make money. Planners will make money. And local newspapers will make more money in advertising dollars generated by all of the aforementioned. So when you hear from a naysayer on why we should start building up in our downtown because they say business will go elsewhere, tell them you don't want to be duped! Take another look down Lake Avenue."
Lynn's Little Bit of Trivia -- Lake Worth, February 11, 2013
"Super Duper" Lynn Anderson |
Ms Anderson, please. No one wants to change something wonderful. In fact, the ballot measure you are so enamored with would
actually change height regulations in an area of the downtown
that have been in existence for years and our downtown is still filled with "charm." There is no one beating down the door to build a 65 foot high building east of Federal. Our existing Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations will keep the area pretty much the same - period. Do you know that the Gulfstream Hotel is 72 feet high? What about the other tall buildings which surround it? The Respectful Planning PAC is not being respectful to the built environment of our downtown and seeks to change something that has worked for years. What's the pay-off? I would also note that allowable height has been lowered to 45 feet between Dixie and Federal, along Lake and Lucerne Avenues so that we can't build another building as tall as the Lucerne in that area. When is enough enough? When are people going to stop moving the goal line and let the city get out of its own way?