In addition, the following images were prepared by the staff which is a representation of what could be built in the area between 1st Avenue South and 2nd Avenue North - east of Federal - if the height limit as contained in the approved Comprehensive Plan would remain at 65 ft. and there was no Charter amendment limiting height in this area to 45 feet. Just such a referendum appears on our municipal ballot for March 12th.
These renderings and depictions are a stark departure from those that were waved from the dais by then Commissioner Mulvehill as an example of what would happen if the Comp Plan contained a 65 ft. height limitation and not 45 ft.
Here are the "What if?" representations as prepared by the city of the "hotel" district envisioned in the plan These appear on the last seven pages of the report. One wonders if this will be distributed widely by the city other than through the agenda for this meeting and Mr. Water's presentation on 2/18 at the northwest corner of Golfview and 1st Avenue South - the location for the Bryant Park Neighborhood Association meeting?
Are we looking at a future Lake Worth here?