Sunday, October 7, 2012

A blast from the past...look at the quote while it lasts...

Click title for link to a PBP article that appeared the day after the 2010 Lake Worth City Commission election, which brought us the representation of Commissioners Mulvehill and McVoy to the dais.  The following comes from the article.  We are now aware of the tragic flaw present in this line of thinking:

Vice Mayor Jo-Ann Golden said the election of McVoy and Mulvehill should allow the commission to continue projects such as the casino renovation instead of stopping to question the plans or change directions.

"We're looking toward the future, and we're not going backward again," Golden said.

As we review the materials for Tuesday's City Commission meeting, we are reminded that it would have been a good idea to have someone with a critical eye on the Commission that was willing to question the project as it proceeded.  Apparently, any sort of inquiry was squelched at the highest levels, including our former city manager who stood in front of the information gate.  We will be living the result for many years.

Now how about that seawall?