Tuesday, June 19, 2012

City Commission Meeting - 6/19 - Live

McVoy arrives at 6:15 p.m.  Click here for audio.

There was a lot of discussion about Consent Item A - the waiver of fees for NSP2 participants.  Both Commissioners Mulvehill and McVoy wanted to discuss it - why Mulvehill didn't ask that it be pulled and instead talk about it under Commissioner comments is unknown.  Consent passed.  10A passed.  10B passed.

Item 10 C - First Reading on Comp Plan.

Posted on 6/20 - had trouble with the Internet connection in the chambers.  Lots of videos in the hopper that will be out later today.  I left at the break around 8 p.m.  I understand that McNamara made a stink about Commissioner Amoroso having a shop in the downtown that would be affected by the height limit - which if you took that to an extreme, no one should be voting on anything since the Commission's actions have an impact on the value of property in the city.  Ludicrous shenanigans, I tell you!  Anyway, both the comprehensive plan items passed on a 3-2 vote, which included the possibility of building heights up to 65 feet east of Federal.  We are not done with this yet - as there will be a second reading and then we have to work through the land development regulations.  

Maybe I should hold a class on the basics of planning and zoning.  Would anyone like to attend?