Monday, November 14, 2011

Swearing in of Mayor Pam Triolo, Commissioner Maxwell and Commissioner Amoroso...

The seven videos below were taken by me this morning in the Commission Chambers.  I posted them as they were ready, so that means they are in reverse order.  So, if you want to get the flow of how things transpired, watch the last one first.  It was an overflow crowd and those that couldn't fit into the Commission Chambers were directed into the conference room adjacent to the Chambers.  People were complaining about the heat in both rooms - many fanning themselves.  Not sure what that was about.

Former Mayor Waterman left in a self-aggrandizing way by tallying all the votes she received in the three elections she was in over the past four and a half months.  She thanked the 4,000+ people that voted for her.  Really.  Both she welcomed Pam to the Mayorship and Commissioner Golden offered her support going forward.  She said that she gets rid of her crutches in four weeks and told people to watch for her "dancing in the streets."  Okay.

Commissioner Maxwell's speech was the longest of the morning and a MUST LISTEN requirement.  He really laid out the agenda coming up and things that will be addressed or re-addressed.  The special assessment for fire pension he wants to deal with in a week's time - to get rid of it.  He got emotional a couple of times and the crowd was very supportive.  BRAVO SCOTT!!

Mayor Pam Triolo was gracious and firm - the thing that I liked best was when she said that she wants Lake Worth to be worth more!  AMEN PAM!  Commissioner Amoroso expressed gratitude for his supporters - it was his birthday too and the crowd sang Happy Birthday to him.  He said people warned him not to drink the "Kool-Aid" - he said not to worry, he doesn't like Kool-Aid.

Listen to the them all - all deserving to be heard.  We are indeed on a new and better path.  I kept thinking what was going through City Manager Stanton's head.