Sunday, November 13, 2011

A little gem from the historic designation report on the FORMER LW Casino building...

It appears that certain things are in the City of Lake Worth's DNA.  When the Casino building was last re-built in 1949, a bond of sorts was issued which pledged "surplus water and electrical revenues."  Need we say more.  The building was never officially designated as an example of International style architecture, but it was also significant in other ways.  I thought this nugget on the financing was of interest.  Click here for the full designation report.

This decision might have made more sense looking at the city's near and mid-term view of it's post WWII future.  Looking back at building permit records, the peak of construction activity - when our houses and neighborhoods were built - was in the 20 year period that followed.  When our world changed - with the new development north and west in Palm Beach County, the construction and opening of I-95, crime, etc., the reliance on our water and electric utility became a short-term answer to our long-term problems.  We are only starting to deal with this now.

It is important to realize that the city will have to pledge another source of reliable funds to secure the final financing of the NEW casino building.  What is that money to be pledged funding now?