Lisa Mawell is the best choice to make on Tuesday - especially at this point in our city's history. We just had a Mayor leave the city before the end of his term - which spawned the need for the special election on June 28th. Lisa has lived here a while and shown a deep commitment to the Lake Worth community. She served for years on the Planning, Zoning and Historic Preservation Board - during the time that I was on the board. She could always be counted on for thoughtful and knowledgeable discussion, leading to a reasonable decision. We didn't always see things the same way and voted differently on some matters, but that is what you want on a deliberative body. Debate and independent thought should be encouraged. Facts are things to respect. Lisa knows these things.
That's the problem with the political troika we have now on the dais between Mulvehill, Golden and McVoy. We can count on these dais-mates for pre-cooked decisions directed by mysterious hands from beyond the dais. This "hand" does not necessarily reflect public opinion. We saw that play out during the PBSO debacle. When these three plus the city manager realized the extent of support for keeping PBSO and the fear of creating our own police department, the retreat was on and they suddenly became the ones that saved PBSO. Enough of these types of games, please. We're seeing something similar to that now by not acknowledging the demolition of the Casino building.
This sort of "stickiness" on the dais is frightening, especially when you have a city administration that seems to be challenged by the truth. The troika's support of Rachel Waterman is disturbing too. Commissioner Jo-Ann Golden - whose family is associated with Golden paints - unleashes family money from New York to assist in Ms. Waterman's campaign. It seems that these three have created their own special interest group and they would like to preserve that. They do not want outside influences or the possibility of any of their pre-determined decisions to be questioned - or heaven forbid, that any of their secrets get exposed by pointed questions by someone "out of the fold."
We have had a lot wild fires in Florida and across the nation this year. When these wildfires get so intense, they create their own weather systems. This is like the current symbiotic frenzy on the dais and has the same harmful, uncontrollable possibilities. Rachel's addition would add another log on the fire - something we don't need.
I appreciated Lisa Maxwell's refusal to participate in the charade that has become of the Palm Beach Post endorsement. The Palm Beach Post announced Ms. Waterman's return to Lake Worth in a fluff piece published in February. That should have given everyone a warning of what was to come. The troika's relationship with the Palm Beach Post is another symptom of the insular nature of politics here. The Post's endorsement was in the bag in February or before - going to the Post's editorial board to kiss the ring would be waste of time. I just hope Lisa used the time that would have been taken to secure a dozen or so more votes. Let's hope she did.
Ms. Waterman, during the candidate forums, acted more like she was applying for a job on the staff of the city instead of a Mayoral, leadership position. She made it seem like the Mayor's job involves writing grants and making sure consultant reports were short and to the point. Her involvement with the Census and Annabeth Karson is shrouded in mystery as well.
The only thing that I can say about Tom Ramiccio is that he has had his time in a leadership role(s) in the city and it is time for a new approach to how things are done here. javier del sol has referred to me as a "Pilgrim" and an "economic criminal", so he is not getting my vote.
Vote for Lisa Maxwell on Tuesday!