Two things to notice. Look who made the motion :) and look who one of the non-profit partners is: the Lake Worth CDC.
For months, the CRA staff had tried to get the attention of the City Commission and city administration about the opportunity represented in the NSP2 program. They got very little cooperation and, if it had been up to the city itself and not the CRA, the application would not have been made. Period. In thanks for making the application for the $23 million, which was eventually awarded, the City Commission - at the urging of then Vice Mayor Golden - called the CRA on the carpet the next week and again suffered through another attempt to takeover the independent and volunteer board.
Click here for a copy of the minutes from the July 21, 2009 special City Commission meeting. I have highlighted some quotes made by Jo-Ann Golden which we are sure to hear repeated next Tuesday night March 1, 2011. Most noteworthy is the one where she says that the current CRA lacks transparency.
Then Vice Mayor Golden took every opportunity to say that the CRA should not apply for the NSP2 grant and that we didn't need federal money - since we know how to spend money here better than they do. This didn't prevent her from using the application for the $23 million in her re-election campaign materials...
The item above came from her re-election website. I guess in Jo-Ann's mind, the takeover actually happened since she credits the City for making the application.And the minutes of the July 21, 2009 special City Commission meeting were not available and were not approved until after the 2009 election.
There was no follow-up on options to dilute the powers of the CRA. It is my understanding that the CRA board's attorney had a difficult time chasing down and getting the attention of the City Attorney. It was soon after this that the City Commission replaced 6 expired seats with mostly new members. I resigned to run for office and did not re-apply for a vacant seat.
One of the funny things that jumped out from the July 21 City Commission minutes is that both Commissioner Jennings and then Vice Mayor Golden are quoted as saying the "current members of the board should be dissolved." Perhaps their deepest and darkest wish?