RE-POST from May 2008
Look what appeared on the CRA agenda last night (5/27):

- Commissioner Jo-Ann Golden leads the charge for the City Commission to take over the CRA.
- Commissioner Jo-Ann Golden's reasons for doing so include the need for City Commission budgetary oversight and financial responsibility in CRA dealings.
- Two months later, the Lake Worth CDC, where Commissioner Jo-Ann Golden is a paid employee and whose title is Project Manager, applies for a $300,000 "grant or forgivable loan" from the CRA.
- The subject property was given to the Lake Worth CDC by the City in January of 2003.
- The property is one block to the west and across the street from the Pugh property.
- The Pugh property was the catalyst for Commissioner Jo-Ann Golden to call for the takeover of the CRA, citing the $15,000 per month option contract on the property among other factors - including the establishment of more rental housing in the area.
- Commissioner Retha Lowe went on record as wanting only single family homeownership in the area.
- The reason for the $300,000 grant cited by the Lake Worth CDC was that estimated project costs increased from $761,000 to $1,300,000 since 2003.
- That is a 71% increase over 5 years - not the 50% as mentioned in the back-up material.
- The total number of affordable RENTAL housing units proposed is four (4). That amounts to a grant of $75,000 per unit.
- In comparison, the Pugh property represented 55 affordable rental units and 15,000 square feet of commercial space.
- Hammon Park was given a grant by the CRA in the amount of $50,000 to support green construction efforts. Spread over its 137 homeowner units, that's an investment of $365.00 per unit.
- The $300,000, if granted, would have to be transferred from another account since the item was UNBUDGETED.
So, I guess what this means is that if you are a Commissioner that does this group's bidding, then you can carry out grossly mismanaged projects (71% over original estimates) and then ask to have that mismanagement rewarded by applying for, without protest, $300,000 in public money that doesn't have to be repaid.
Or, imagine what would have happened if the City Commission did take over the oversight of the CRA - what would have happened then?
Are you starting to see the inherent conflict this City Commissioner has in her role with the Lake Worth CDC?