Sunday, January 16, 2011

Images related to Beach and Casino Renovation Item on Planning and Zoning Board agenda of 1/19.

Click images for more detail.  I wouldn't recommend trying to download or access the agenda back-up from the city's website.  The files are large, take a long time to load (and this is with a cable Internet connection) and unclear exactly what you are looking at.  The agenda itself is unintelligible - did they use invisible ink?  Here is a screen shot of what you get:

I am going to attempt opening up some of the links on the above, but we are unable to see exactly what parts of the agenda they belong to.  Nothing will likely be done about this until Tuesday, if then, due to Monday being a holiday.  I also understand at the last meeting, Mr. Waters indicated that there was no conflict of interest since all that is being reviewed is the site plan for the beach and that he didn't have any part in the development of that.  But it also appears that the Board will be reviewing the architecture and the layout for the building, which I believe Mr. Waters had something to do with.  If not, why was his firm a subcontractor to REG?  The Planning and Zoning Board's role here should be review of the site plan and community appearance, which would include the architecture for the building.  The notice at the beach only indicates "Site Plan Review."

Proposed Casino building elevations
I have the most problem with the western elevation.  I think it looks disjointed without a unifying look.  It also doesn't greet one as a front - which it is when you think about it as it is the first thing that you see when you crest the Lake Worth bridge when you approach from the west.

This elevation just doesn't make my pulse race.  It looks like we are looking at someone's backyard, which in essence we are.  There should be more of an architectural statement here that indicates the importance of this building as an attraction and a destination - things that everyone involved with the promotion of this project talks about.