Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tropical Ridge NA November Update II

Good Morning friends and neighbors!

Happy Thanksgiving to you! I hope you get to enjoy a nice, long holiday weekend with your family and friends. Following is an update on some recent Association activity.

December Meeting - The December meeting will be held on Monday, December 6th at 7pm. Speaking at the meeting will be Terry Edwards from the City of Lake Worth Code Enforcement department. Mr. Edwards covers most of the Tropical Ridge neighborhood and will be discussing some of the ongoing issues in the area as well as problem properties.

At the CRA meeting last night, the CRA board discussed a possible passive park on North H St. directly behind Compass Center. Creating more kid-friendly parks has been a long-standing goal of the Tropcial Ridge Neighborhood Association. At the December meeting, we would like to get your feedback on essential features you think these parks should have as well as alternate/additional locations for parks in the neighborhood. This is an excellent opportunity to let the City know how important this issue is to residents in the area, so please attend!

Garage Sale - This is our final fundraiser for the year and we need your help! In addition to donations (kids clothes, toys, books, dvds, holiday decorations, clothes), we need volunteers to sell Saturday morning and to advertise the week before. The garage sale will be on Satuday, December 4th at 7am. The CRA has agreed to allow the Neighborhood Association to use the empty lot on Lucerne and F St. This excellent location will bring lots of traffic and lots of opportunity to sell, sell, sell! Please contact or for information on how you can help.

-Ryan Anderson