Tuesday, February 9, 2010

There are two City Commission Work Sessions today - starting at 6 p.m. in the Compass Building

No action can be taken tonight.  The CRA is again in the position of having to justify its successes before the City Commission.  Note to Commissioner Jennings who at the last regular City Commission talked about the city going bankrupt, what have you done to encourage investment in our community?  Why lash out at the very agency that is making the most of multiple opportunities for sustainable redevelopment?  Also realize that nothing is sustainable if it cannot survive economically.  Looking at another potential double digit percentage decrease in our property values next fiscal year, we really need to find ways to responsibly redevelop our vacant and under-utilized lands.  Limiting redevelopment to 3 stories with required public benefits amounts to a defacto moratorium.  The following paragraph is a poignant reminder about the importance of re-investment in our community.