Monday, August 31, 2009

Click here for live stream - CRA Interviews (8/31)

I missed the first few minutes of the meeting so didn't hear if any discussion took place regarding the recusal of Commissioner Golden - I assume it did. Ed Grimm, the first on the agenda, is being interviewed now. Commissioner Golden apparently brushed off the request to declare a conflict of interest as she was the last Commissioner to ask him a question.

Ultimately, the choice of whether or not to recuse oneself is made by the person with the apparent conflict. So noted.

Later on, the Mayor made it a point to ask if a real estate attorney applicant would have problems with potential conflicts of interests with clients in Lake Worth. ??

Still later on. Listening tonight gives me hope for the future of the CRA - there are many good applicants and many new people that are interested in serving the city. You could see this from the applications - it's too bad they were treated the way they were with the initial interview date. Those that stayed on the list to be interviewed showed great enthusiasm.

I have a problem with Commissioner Jennings "discarding" people on the basis of what she thinks were "terrible" decisions in the past for positions on the CRA - such topics as the beach and Sunset were brought up that have nothing to do with the CRA. And, my hand to God, she and Commissioner Golden still bring up the Lucerne. Does anyone wonder why? It shows an oversimplification of complex issues and dismisses the decision process used to come to those decisions. And keeps the fear burning in the hearts of the voting public. You might call it a "litmus test."

Commissioner Golden did not mention Ed Grimm in her comments - he received four votes from the Commission. At the end, she did disclose that Mr. Grimm held a fundraiser for her and contributed to her past campaign.