Monday, August 17, 2009

City Commission Work Session Today (8/11) - Where is the $3.6 million of City money for the beach?

Still unaccounted for...and did anyone bill the sign company?

Click title for link to City Manager's back-up memo - but the real information seems to lie in the City Manager's report from July 31. The following describes a meeting between County officials, city staff, Michael Singer Group and Kimley Horn:

Second page, second paragraph - why don't we have the $3.6 million match as required by the existing intergovernmental agreement with the County? We now have to "renegotiate" this agreement?

It reads to me as if they are attempting to separate the site improvements from the Casino building - leaving the possibility that the Casino building will be put off yet again. This after poking and prodding the building for the ?? time.

Have we lowered our expectations of beach redevelopment to providing the required parking spaces for the county and another parking lot for city residents - essentially by re-stripping the parking area and laying more asphalt for another one?