This was an unsuspected surprise that's found at the end of the current City Manager's report. It lays out the topics that will be addressed by the City Commission on alternate Tuesdays (2nd and 4th) in a workshop format - separate from their regular meetings. Unfortunately, this schedule conflicts with CRA board meetings, so maybe another regular date can be chosen that doesn't conflict.
Nonetheless, it is interesting to see when the various topics will be addressed - and more importantly, what the topics actually are. On June 9th, they will be talking about the beach and the estimate for renovations and clarification of the scope. They will also be talking about the Treasure Coast Transit Oriented Development plan - YEAH!

On the 23rd, more on the beach with a "public improvementss" RFP on the agenda, along with discussion of the Comprehensive Plan future land use element - that's where all the discussion about height and density could take place.

Look here - on July 14th there is talk about a referendum on height - surprise, surprise! Also lots of other hot topics like golf course operations, etc.

Nice to be aware of these coming topics and to be able to monitor changes/progress.