Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Annabeth Karson tries to find ways to get around the Sunshine Law...
This is from the City Commission meeting last night regarding the Community Relations Board. The Commission eventually tabled action and scheduled another reading of the ordinance since many changes were made to the version that was available to the public. This only after the acting City Attorney reminded them that there may be legal and definitely were clerical issues why the item should be re-heard and not voted into law last night. Commissioner Jennings thought her eight (8) changes were minimal.
The video shows another attempt by Annabeth Karson, one of Commissioner Jennings faithful, to get around the Sunshine Law issue. She sounded the same horn regarding the Affordable Housing Task Force from a few years ago. Mayor Clemens, in response to her plea, said that he's looked for ways to get around it and there aren't any, but - heavy sigh - it's good for open government. What a thing for a Mayor to admit to - that he's looked for ways to get around the Sunshine Law.
Regarding the chicken and duck issue, expect to come back later more refined than this time. Most spoke in favor of it. Staff, already over-burdened, is going to work on allowing bee hives.