Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lake Worth, Palm Springs residents lose power overnight

Click title for link to article. Sounds like the Sheriff's office is our public information officer after reading the article. Here is a telling paragraph that I heard echoed on the Channel 5 news this morning:
Sheriff's officials and Palm Springs police could not say what caused the blackout and officials with Lake Worth utilities, which serves Lake Worth and Palm Springs, could not be reached for comment.

Elizabeth Felti, who lives on South E Street near 6th Avenue South, said she was watching the news when her power went out. She said she was frustrated because she could not reach anybody with Lake Worth Utilities and a 911 dispatcher told her to call Florida Power and Light Co., which does not serve Lake Worth.

"That just shows the flaw in the system," she said.

So, Ms. Felti, you may want to vote for different people. Why no statement from the Mayor or any of our Commissioners? Could they have taken the initiative and communicate with the media?

Palm Beach Community College - who pays FPL rates but served by the city - is closed until at least mid-day due to lack of electrical power. Channel 5 just now (on their 9:30 news segment) said that they did get through to Lake Worth utilities. According to the report, there are still about 6,000 customers without power.