This is the version of Commissioner Jennings' "Pay to Play" Ordinance - used interchangeably with "Ethics" Ordinance during the campaign. In September, at the beginning of the campaign season, she rolled this out on to a City Commission agenda. It was defeated on a vote of 2-3, with Mayor Clemens, Vice-Mayor Lowe and Commissioner Vespo casting the dissenting votes. The reason for turning it down was a combination of the need for a panel to review ethical standards in all of city operations and actions and potential unintended consequences of this piecemeal ordinance. Really it wasn't turned down specifically, rather staff was directed to put the item on a future workshop agenda. That will be taking place Wednesday of this week at 5:30 p.m., City Hall Conference room
It should be noted that during the recent campaign, Commissioner Cara Jennings seemed never to fail bringing up that then Commissioner Vespo voted down an ethics ordinance. This exaggeration played well for Commissioner Jennings on the campaign trail - even though she wasn't running against then Commissioner Vespo. It helped seal the fate so that Commissioner Jennings' chosen candidate would gather the laurels of office after a run-off election. We can discuss the ethics of this if you wish, but for now let's look at this ordinance is a little more detail.

By the way, it was the September 16th meeting when this item was last discussed. See Commissioner Jennings' press release on her campaign website dated September 15th. And this wasn't a political act?