Thursday, November 6, 2008

Run-Off Election - 11/18

The Commission race for District #4 did not have one candidate come out with a 50% or greater majority. So that means that a "run-off" election will be held on November 18 between sitting Commissioner Dave Vespo and challenger Suzanne Mulvehill.

You do not need to have voted in the general election to vote for this one and the election is citywide - not just District #4 votes. If you have contributed money to one of their campaigns before the general election, you are allowed to do so again - with a new limit of up to $500 per entity. That means if you gave $250 to the Dave Vespo campaign prior to November 4th, you can actually make a new donation up to $500.

Please tell you friends and neighbors about the importance of this election to the City of Lake Worth - especially since it will determine the balance of power on the City Commission.

Vote for Dave Vespo on November 18th!

Paid Political Advertisement by Wes Blackman independently of Dave Vespo.