As we know, at least those of us who are active in the Lake Worth political universe, there is never a lack of topics and issues to discuss. This is especially true during an election year and November 4th fast approaches. For this first show of the season, I will chat about announced candidates in the two races, talk about some of the ballot items that will come before the voters and whatever else seems to come to the forefront. Having the show on Monday night is an opportune time to review the upcoming City Commission agenda.
I'd also like to make an offer. For now, I am comfortable doing the show myself, but I would love to have someone join me at the mic. Time goes much faster and it's much more interesting for listeners to overhear a conversation between two people. My compatriot Greg Vannier's work schedule has changed since we last aired a show so he is unable to join me during the evening hours. If you would like to participate and share the mic with me, let me know through e-mail (address is at the right hand side of the blog). You might end up joining Mars, Venus and me in my living room for the show. If enough people are interested, we can alternate or do a "round robin" sort of format. It will all depend on the level of interest shown.
So, I hope you'll join me during the live show. Shows will be archived and I will supply the link in case the time is inconvenient for you to hear it live. I'll also be taking questions from the message board - or you can post them here under the comment tab at the bottom of the post.
Thanks for your interest in things Lake Worth!