O.K., so we finally figured out that a special meeting was held yesterday to set the ballot and deal with other time-sensitive issues. This was an e-mail received by a resident from Pam Lopez, City Clerk:

I already thought that I was on that list of 80 people that got updates on agendas, etc. from the Clerk. I didn't receive any such e-mail. In response, I have asked the Clerk to make sure that my e-mail address - which I have had for four years - is included on the distribution list.
Then I heard about what happened during the regularly scheduled Planning and Zoning Board meeting last night. Seems that people unfamiliar with City Hall and not sure where they were supposed to be periodically filled up the Commission Chambers last night looking for the meeting on the Day Labor Center. Probably irate already with the City and its processes, they were told that the meeting wasn't last night and they were to go home.
This is no way to run a railroad.