Tons of interesting items coming up on the next regular City Commission meeting agenda, so I thought it would be a good idea to highlight some of what I believe will be the sources of discussion. Consistent with past practice, the City Manager offers nothing in the way of back-up information related to the budget presentation. There is also a consent agenda item to create a City investment policy. The back-up to that item says that it is to coincide with the auditor's recommendation that the City conform to state law. Wow.
A lot to review over the weekend - including the latest structural report on the casino building at the beach. So stay tuned to this channel!
This afternoon, I had an opportunity to meet Rene Varela - the District #4 candidate who will be running against the incumbent Dave Vespo. Mr. Verela believes we should stop work on the beach and thinks that the City will be able to decide in a month through public input what should be done with it - once and for all. Hmmm.